Complete the sentences with the correct form, gerund or infinitive, using the words in parentheses. T he i nfi ni tive recognize an infinitive when you see one. For example, in to go, even after all that trouble, didnt seem worthwhile anymore, to. The main verb in the sentence determines whether you use a gerund or an infinitive. Because these days most of the organizations are testing the verbal ability skills of an individual. A gerund is a verb ending in ing that functions as a noun. Download gerund and infinitive list pdf down below. Gerunds and infinitives test gerunds and infinitives test 3.
Gerunds and infinitives exercises perfect english grammar. If there is to between two verbs, we call it infinitive and ing added to second verb it is called gerund. Infinitive form of a verb what is the infinitive form of a. A gerund is a verb that ends in ing, whereas a gerund phrase is the same thing but with modifiers or complements added in. Do you mind sharing some pictures of your trip on facebook. Change the verb in brackets into the correct form note that in some cases both forms can be correct. Consult the lists below to find out which form to use following which verbs. Play sporcles virtual live trivia to have fun, connect with people, and get your trivia on. Exercise 2 in pdf here choose the gerund or infinitive for a list of twenty verbs. An infinitive will almost always begin with to followed by the simple form of the verb, like this. In these first three sentences, the verb in the infinitive was difficult or impossible to achieve. Test gerund and infinitive worksheet free esl printable.
Gerunds and infinitives 2 advanced advanced grammar. Used to talk about things that we need to do, and we forget to do them. We use the gerund ing1 when the verb is the subject of a sentence reading on tablets and phones isnt very good for your eyes 2 after a preposition im tired of waiting. English learners have to learn the rules and memorize which verbs come before the infinitive and ing form. Students complete sentences by choosing verbs from a list and putting them in the correct form. Cliffsnotes study guides are written by real teachers and professors, so no matter what youre studying, cliffsnotes can ease your homework headaches and help you score high on exams. Read the first sentence, and choose the most suitable verb to complete the second sentence. In these second three sentences, the verb in the gerund is. Underline the infinitive phrase in each of the following sentences. Beginner fill in each space with either the gerund ing or the infinitive to. Gerunds and infinitives complex forms test english. Adjective and adverbs downloadable pdf worksheets for english language learners intermediate level b1 home b1 grammar gerund and infinitive gerund and infintive b1. Advanced fill in each space with either the gerund ing or the infinitive to. Word infinitive with an object gerund without an object advise i advise you to go by bus.
Exercise 4 gerund or infinitive with or without to. Gerunds and infinitives exercise 2 perfect english grammar. Gerund infinitive gi 6 gerund or infinitive fill in the correct form. The infinitive without to is called the bare infinitive, or the base form of a verb. English lessons with adam learn english engvid 391,797 views. Understanding how these words function is a crucial step in developing your english skills. Gerund and infinitive worksheets are in pdf format and consist of a worksheet and answer sheet to check your results. Gerunds common verbs followed by gerunds a gerund is a noun formed by taking a verb and adding the suffix ing.
Online quiz to test your understanding of toinfinitive or ing in english. Quizlet flashcards, activities and games help you improve your grades. Choose the correct answer for each gap below, then click the check button to check your answers. This first gap fill test contains 25 multiple choice questions on the topic of gerunds and infinitives of english grammar. Verbs that take gerund or infinitive with a change of meaning. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Determine whether the underlined infinitive phrases have been used as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs. This is a free intermediate english grammar quiz and esl worksheet. When to use gerund or infinitive in the table below, you can see when to use gerund or infinitive. Their memories of traveling in africa will stay with them forever. Gerunds and infinitives advanced level test quiz online exercise with answers 4. Grammar quiz gerunds and infinitives complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of gerunds and infinitives. Click here to download this exercise in pdf with answers. Exercise 1 in pdf here choose the gerund or infinitive for a list of twenty verbs.
In english grammar, an infinitive is the base form of a verb that can function as a noun, adjective, or adverb. Gerund and infinitive english grammar tutorial video lesson. Both english learners and esl teachers can use this online exercise as a revision to check the knowledge of gerunds and infinitives. Gerunds english questions in the form of quiz are available in this post. Page 1 of 3 gerunds and infinitives doing what noun. Uses of the bare infinitive english practice learn and.
English grammar can be a little tricky and one needs to know how to insert words to a sentence so as to give the intended message. In the following examples, the infinitive is bold and the verb is underlined. In english, when we talk about the infinitive we are usually referring to the present infinitive, which is the most common. The infinitive is a type of verbal, or word derived from a verb that does not function as a verb, that is almost always preceded by the particle to. Exercise 3 in pdf here choose the gerund or infinitive for a list of twenty verbs. You understand many of the verb combinations taking either a gerund or an infinitive. Exercise click here to download this printable exercise in pdf.
In this sentence is swimming a gerund, infinitive, or a verb. As the object of a sentence, gerunds and infinitives are usually not interchangeable. If it is a gerund, it functions as a noun and it is usually translated into a spanish infinitive. Page 2 of 3 gerunds and infinitives doing what noun phrases do cloze exercise.
Go to the main gerunds and infinitives exercises page. They know which one to choose by what sounds right. Quiz testing english learners understanding of verbs followed by both the gerund and the infinitive with each answer explained. Gerund phrase, infinitive phrases, gerund exercise, gerund definition, gerund example, gerund use, study quiz, gerund present participle, english grammar. In the study of english grammar, the terms gerund and gerund phrase are some things youll need to know about if you want to master the language.
Complete these sixteen sentences to score your knowledge of gerunds and infinitives. Complete multiplechoice gerunds and infinitives test covering all uses. Understanding the use of infinitives english grammar. Some verbs can take both gerunds and infinitives, with only a slight difference in the meaning as explained in part i above. The infinitive form of a verb is the verb in its basic form. After the main verb, both gerunds and infinitives can be used. Complete the following sentences using gerunds or infinitives. Infinitives quiz 4 about we are dedicated to creating and providing free, highquality english language learning resources.
Test yourself with our free english language quiz about infinitive or gerund. Ellies friend invited instructed obliged her to go to the party. You will need to know about subjects, verbs, objects and gerunds in order to pass the quiz. Take up the quiz below to test out if you can identify if the underlined word is a gerunds, participle, infinitive of a verb. The infinitive form of a verb is usually preceded by to e. There are, however, four other forms of the infinititive. After prepositions i drank a cup of coffee before leaving. Many english learners have difficulty choosing between the infinitive form and the ing form.
Verbs followed by the gerund or the infinitive with littleno change in meaning begin continue hate start love prefer like attempt try examples. Here is a logic activity to have some fun and practice gerunds and infinitives at the same time. Gerunds and infinitives can function b to compose a sonata would take months. See all the gerund and infinitive exercises here heres my video on the subject. After the following phrases we use the infinitive with to in english. Words with a different meaning word infinitive meaning gerund meaning forget remember. I tried to get a ticket, but they were all sold out. They usually refer to the present infinitive, which is most common. If it is a present participle, it functions as a verb and it is usually translated into a spanish gerundio. English verb tenses selfstudy quiz gerundsinfinitive 1. In the middle of the semester, his history professor gave out an assignment, due in two weeks.
Gerund, infinitive 4 practice english grammar online. There are 3 main types of verbs based on their endings. Following a verb gerund or infinitive both gerunds and infinitives can replace a noun as the object of a verb. The infinitive form of a verb is the verb in its basic form, with or without the particle to.
Aug 26, 2014 although the infinitive is formed by putting to before the verb, it does not act as a verb. There will either be a gerund or a participal in each sentence, never both. Both gerunds and infinitives can be used as the subject of a sentence. Infinitives and gerunds verb patterns test english. A list of all the exercises about gerunds and infinitives on my site.
Supporters of the internet fail to mention that it contains a lot of trash packaged to look like reliable information. Decide if each sentence contains a gerund or a participal, then locate the word which is the gerund or participle. Please check them and then proceed to take the quiz. How to use the infinitive verb in english kaplan international. Gerunds and infinitives tests english tests online. The verb try with gerund or infinitive dailystep english. It is the version of the verb that appears in the dictionary.
This is a free advanced english grammar quiz and esl worksheet. Verbs that are followed by other verbs can take either the gerund or the infinitive. The infinitive an infinitive is a verb form that can be used as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb. Infinitive meaning in the cambridge english dictionary. It can be a little difficult to know when to use gerunds and infinitives. Passive voice simple present and past esl worksheet. Infinitive used as a noun to win was the tennis players goal. The following lists of verbs followed by other verbs will help you practice. A downloadable esl worksheet to practise the use of gerund or infinitive after different verbs. Remember, phrases after verbs that answer the questions who.
Heres a discussion of the five types of infinitives. Introduction the ing form of the verb may be a gerund or a present participle. The infinitive to mention is the object of the verb. If you make a mistake, people will understand you even if it sounds a little funny. Use the hint button to get a free letter if you dont know. Infinitive used as an adjective the book to read for information is at the library. Gerunds and infinitives tests category includes free online quizzes on gerunds and infinitives tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers.
Simple, perfect, progressive and passive gerund and infinitive forms. Gerund, infinitive grammar exercises learning english. Practice 1 complete the sentence mc practice 2 correct incorrect. To sneeze, to smash, to cry, to shriek, to jump, to dunk, to read, to eat, to slurp all of these are infinitives. Gerunds and infinitives advanced level test quiz online exercise with answers 3. It is the version of the verb which will appear in the dictionary. He was rather a lazy student, and he tended to avoid work whenever he could. Gerunds and infinitives yuri was in his first year at university, studying history. Whether you use a gerund or an infinitive depends on the main verb in the sentence. Infinitive comes from the latin word infinitus meaning endless.
Gerund phrase,infinitive phrases,exercise,definition,use. If you have a noun before a phrase, the phrase is an adjective phrase. Gerunds english questions and answers quiz online test. A gerund is a verb in its ing present participle form that functions as a noun that names an activity rather than a person or thing. Gerunds and infinitives exercises really learn english. This is a free multiplechoice quiz that you can do online or print out. Infinitives and gerunds take the place of a noun in a sentence. Gerunds vs infinitives 6 advanced gerunds vs infinitives exercise 7. An infinitive is the basic or root form of a verb, typically preceded with to. An infinitive can constitute the subject of a sentence. In sentences 46, try is followed by the gerund using, getting up and snowboarding. Test yourself with our free english language quiz about gerund or infinitive.
A gerund is used as a noun, but is formed by adding an actionword with ing. Gerunds and infinitives advanced level test quiz online. Free printable pdf grammar worksheets, quizzes and games, from a to z. Grammar quiz gerunds and infinitives all things grammar. Join a live hosted trivia game for your favorite pub trivia experience done virtually.
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